To Know More About Us

This is Lemon and Mint Ads

We, The Lemon & Mint Ads are stepping towards our 5th year of Care and Concern to your products with rich talents and expertise agents. A young group with young minds think Young and Wide! We are a fully loaded popcorn for your Movies with Young professionals and creative minds. The secret recipes are hence named as 'Lemon and Mint'. Working Outdoors, We are here, near and everywhere.

Our Services


We are multi taskers performing various jobs in the swing of the clock. To set your day, we advertise products among the public where thousands walk around in an hour. Our "Out Of Home" advertisements include billboards, streets, roads, highways and transit. Covering half of the city's atmosphere, we make sure that your product is attracted by the public.


We give birth to Ideas, We grow the strategies and We set your product's Journey through our High quality production house. From "scribble pads" to "wrap-it-ups", Our production house engineers with perfection.


If you are ready with the decision of "Lemon and Mints", We are ready with Everything. (We mean it.) Giving the final touches for your fantasy, We have creative Post-producers who rub the Genie out! Editing, Motion Graphics, 2-D and 3-D animations, Graphic designing and almost everything that would define your product's beauty.

W h a t ' s u p , W h a t ' s a p p ?

We perform to the future and we perform to the trend.To reach your close to heart allies for a close to heartceremony in almost a second, 'Lemon and Mint Ads' gives you the treaty and trendy What's app videos, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram Videos and Stories!

Adding that extra tang in every job

Mohamed Rafeek

Creative Head, Lemon and Mint Ads

The Portfolio

We put an extra smile in setting these to let you know some of our tricks.

For any CG graphic/animation or video related assistance.

Please email us at

It all starts with a lemonade.

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